New free standard for PET neck finish at Cetie

Par Josquin Peyceré
Le 01/03/2021

Article in PETnology N°1/2021


The new free standard for PET neck finish dedicated to the attached caps

"In the context of European Directive 2019/904, the European Commission mandated the CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) to draft a standard to establish the specifications for attached caps of single-use plastic bottles. After many meetings in CEN, with intensive support of Cetie*, the first project for the standard has now been written and registered at CEN at the end of 2020. The specifications are based on two key requirements:
  • The attachment of the cap with the PET bottle must resist a minimal force of 25 Newtons (12N for some other types of containers).
  • The attachment must withstand 10 openings/closing cycles without breaking, so as to be reliable throughout repeated openings of the product."
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