Launch of our new website !

Par Cetie
Le 29/05/2019



After months of hard work and dedication, we are pleased to announce the launch of our sparkling new website!
This new site is now online at


New blog interface

Beyond its new blog interface, the new site provides from a single URL address two access levels - for website users and for members - proposing enhanced services and resources. Amongst the new features, the site contains an integrated technical FAQ, a royalty-free image bank, a thesaurus-based research function and a glossary. We will be constantly updating website content with useful technical information, articles, news, newsletters, company announcements, working group activities and information on standardisation and legislation. We hope you find the website both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate to find information pertinent to your activity.
We aim to establish this portal as a reference source of information for all stakeholders from the bottling industry worldwide.
For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please e-mail us.
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