Cetie is launching a new working group to develop a Guide dedicated to synthetic cork stoppers

Par Cetie
Le 03/11/2023
Cetie is launching a new working group to develop a Guide dedicated to synthetic cork stoppers:

While GUIDE N° 1 - BOTTLING OF STILL WINES ON A CORK MOUTH FINISH, originally published in 2008, has been under revision since March 2022, we are opening a new group to mirror this work, which will focus on synthetic cork stoppers. (GUIDE No. 1 concerns the corking of still wines on a cork mouth finish in accordance with GME data sheet 50.01, which has been adopted as a European standard under reference EN12726).

This new joint group will bring together cork manufacturers, glassmakers, bottlers (wines and spirits ), manufacturers of filling and corking machines, laboratories, and manufacturers of inspection and control machines. The revision of GUIDE N° 1 - BOTTLING OF STILL WINES ON A CORK MOUTH FINISH started at the beginning of 2024, is not applicable to synthetic corks, containing less than 50% natural cork. This field will therefore be covered in a dedicated document, to be drafted by this new group.
Based on current GUIDE N° 1, the group will review the aspects that are different for synthetic cork stoppers and which require a specific application, such as the overall functions of the cork stopper and its limits, the specifications, or the conditions of application required to efficiently fulfill the overall functions.
The working group will also revise data sheet EC3.01 - GOOD PRACTICES FOR THE USE OF SYNTHETIC STOPPERS.
The kick-off meeting will be held in Paris on November 17, 2023, (or remotely via Webex), from 2:00 pm until 4:30 pm.
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