Cetie : Situation and Perspectives

By Nicholas Harris
The 07/05/2019

Cetie General Assembly

The Cetie General Assembly in March is the opportunity to review activities of the past year and assess perspectives for the future. We propose here a brief survey of the active Cetie Working Groups and technical reference documents that are published, in progress or under preparation taken from the report of the Cetie Board to the General Assembly for 2018. In terms of overall figures, 16 Cetie working groups met in 52 meetings and worked on 73 documents in progress, including 25 new documents. The number of groups includes 3 new groups initiated in 2018. By the end of 2018, the number of experts from our members registered in the “Extranet” collaborative workspace for the working groups reached 412 persons, from more than 100 member companies, and the average participation in the meetings was 16.8. Of the documents in progress, 24 have been published, including 4 new references. These statistics demonstrate the current impetus in the groups both for the major task of upgrading the Cetie library, which includes a total of ~ 200 publications and to initiate new topics according to needs identified from industrial practice. More than 10,000 downloads of Cetie publications were recorded in 2018, attesting to the interest of the industry.


For 2019 and beyond, the indications are that working group activity will remain at this relatively high level. The limitation to the development of Cetie’s activity has become maintaining the balance of available resources in terms of the staff needed to provide the necessary framework and support for the efficient action of the working groups. This includes technical writing (editing document drafts, meeting agendas & minutes, etc.), logistical support for the organisation of meetings, requests from members, maintaining the Extranet workspace. Since 2017, the team consists of 3 people of which the General Secretary and a dedicated documentation manager, one of whose tasks is to ensure the quality of documents produced by the working groups in terms of structure and terminology.

Working groups 

Cetie working groups can be considered according to two categories: “permanent” groups having a broadly defined field of activity that ensures a regular flow of subjects for discussion, and “ad hoc” groups that are set up to address a specific issue. Currently, several permanent groups are active for both the glass and PET sectors.
Although they are mainly dedicated to the packaging of food and beverages new areas such as packaging for home and personal care products now included.
The more numerous ad-hoc groups are created at the initiative of our members to treat a specific documentary subject over a given period, e.g. for the revision of an existing document or to develop a new reference document according to an identified need.

Groups revising the bottling guides

Guide N°2 (Aluminium screw capping for non-carbonated liquids on BVP finishes which in fact covers all matters relative to “ROPP” type aluminium screw caps, Guide N°3 (Tirage and final corking of QSWPSR) and Guide N°4 (26 mm crown capping). A group is also developing a new bottling Guide N°14 (Bartop stoppers). Existing documents are periodically subject to review in order to ensure that the information provided remains up to date and pertinent according to technical and legislative developments, implying cyclical reactivation of the corresponding working groups. Recycling aspects have become a major concern for the industry it is currently requested that information related to the end-life be added as appropriate to all the bottling guides and quality guidelines.
The proximity of Cetie with CEN/ISO standardisation may also give rise to working groups –the revision of an official standard, such as currently EN 16293 for BVS glass finishes, is subject in parallel of a reactivated ad hoc group to input and coordinate input to the CEN working group concerned. The action of the Cetie groups is complementary to that of such “official” standardisation bodies which are bound by the necessary procedural constraints.
Cetie procedures allow the agility to react in pace with market developments. In 2018 it was proposed in permanent “PET Finishes” working group to initiate an ad-hoc group to develop a consensual approach to article 6 of the (then draft) single-use-plastic directive, to support the development of the harmonised CEN standard providing conformity criteria for caps that must remain attached to plastic bottles.
Certain ad-hoc groups also give rise successively to others on related subjects, as has been the case for perfume bottling (flaconnage) over more than a decade. Currently, a group is addressing decoration issues, including widening participation to that of lacquer suppliers, to contribute to defining harmonised qualification and quality test methods.
Such a proposal has been made as well to the companies developing and producing inspection systems and software, at the initiative of the glass manufacturers. In January 2019 a new ad hoc group was initiated with the objective of developing a harmonised approach to the coding of production data of glass packaging by hot end laser marking, for traceability applications within the glass plant and by downstream customers.

The documents published in 2018



New documents:

  • FS22.00 - Labelling on glass containers traditional and self-adhesive labels
  • GME13.07 - Comparison of glass finishes for sparkling wines and other carbonated beverages
  • GME30.34 - BVS PCO PET finish 21.4/16.7-29-1/2.5
  • GME30.35 - BVP MCO PET finish 21.4/16.7-29-1/2.5

Revised documents

  • DT15.00 - Flaconnage - Standard tolerances
  • DT15.01 - Flaconnage - Brimful capacity tolerances
  • DT15.02 - Flaconnage - Height tolerances
  • DT15.03 - Flaconnage - Diameter and width tolerances
  • DT15.04 - Flaconnage - Verticality tolerances
  • DT15.05 - Flaconnage - Glass finish planarity tolerances
  • DT15.06 - Flaconnage - Mouth-base parallelism tolerances
  • DT15.51 - Flaconnage - Testing procedure: glass finish planarity measurement method
  • DT15.52 - Flaconnage - Testing procedure: measurement of mouth-base parallelism
  • DT15.53 - Flaconnage - Testing procedure: leakage test
  • DT15.54 - Flaconnage - Testing procedure: resistance to vertical load
  • DT23.03 - PET finishes glossary and nomenclature
  • FS07.00 - Headspace recommendations for liquid products in bottles and jars
  • GME13.04 - 29 MM Sparkling wine finish
  • GME13.05 - 29 MM Spumante crown finish
  • GME13.06 - 29 MM Cider crown finish
  • GME30.10 - Bore specifications for inserts for 30, 31.5 and 35 size BVP finishes
  • GME30.25 - PET finish 38/33.4-16.5-3/9
  • GME30.36 - PET finish 32/27-14.9-2/5.4
  • GME30.37 - PET finish 26/22-13-1/2.17 (Experimental)

Upcoming publications in the first half of 2019

  • Quality Guidelines N° 18 - Plastic bottle closure qualification test manual (in collaboration with ISBT)
  • DT23.04 - Plastic cap glossary and nomenclature
  • EC04.03 - Aluminium screw caps for still liquids on BVP glass finishes
  • FS16.00 - Pressure resistance test procedures for products bottled with aluminium screw caps
  • FS23.00 - Plastic cap ovality
  • GME13.11 - 26 H 180 Crown finish - dimensions - modified ''P'' point
  • GME13.12 - 26 H 126 Crown finish - dimensions - modified ''P'' point
  • GME13.08 - Traditional method sparkling wine finishes (QSWPSR 26, 29, 36 MM)
  • GME14.11 - 26 H 180 twist crown finish - reduced bore GME14.12 - 26 H 126 twist crown finish - reduced bore
Nicholas Harris, Cetie Secretary General for french Magazine Liquides & Conditionnement N°399
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- Liquides & Conditionnement N°399 (FR)
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